Moving to new hosting platform
This domain have housed different types of sites over the years. It started out with a WordPress blog, but lately it has been just an empty placeholder.
I have been using a local company for both web and e-mail hosting for over a decade. Their e-mail service has started to fall behind on several areas, and also in security, not supporting MFA. I decided to move my mail to Proton and their Plus account with support for custom domains. I have also moved my DNS-services to Cloudflare, and only had my web hosting left at my old provider.
This lead to the decision to move web hosting to GitHub Pages instead which would allow me to cancel the current hosting service.
When moving to GitHub Pages the static site generator Jekyll is usually the first choice due to the seamless integration. I decided to try that together with the theme Chirpy (you may recognize that page) 😜.
Let’s see how that works out, but so far, Jekyll seems to be a really nice way to host a blog-like site.